Friday I left work to pick up Ryder from daycare and just as we pull into the driveway at home he says "Mom, you know my thumb still really hurts." Rewind to the previous Tuesday when he showed me his left thumb and told me it hurt. Upon inspection, it looked as though he had somehow poked something under his thumbnail. You know how you get a little white area when you've jammed something under there accidentally? So I put some antibiotic ointment on it that night and the following night, but heard nothing more about it. Fast forward back to Friday and I take a look at it when we get into the house and it looks as though the end of his thumb is blistered with bright red rings around it and is pretty warm. In fact, the area surrounding his nail is just as red. He says "Watch this" and proceeds to press on the nail and I see this lovely yellow ooze come out from under his nail. Ick. Mommy, RN knows that flame red rings or streaks and heat typically indicate serious infection, so I packed him back into the car and headed off to the prompt care. One hour later, we have a diagnosis of infection, unknown origin. Doc thinks it actually originated as a hangnail he pulled off and it followed the nail around and went under the nail from the top. Oral antibiotics and antibiotic ointment to the rescue! It's now day 3 and it looks much better, but still gross. I just love that kid - you just never know what you're gonna get with him!!!
Later Friday night, Matt & Traci treated us to a date night seeing Gaelic Storm for Todd's birthday (a must see at least once! it was a hoot!) Saturday entailed cleaning like a madwoman for the first open house while Ryder decided to go Moon Sand crazy around the house (WHO invented that stuff?!? Better yet, WHO bought it for my child?!?), getting Wyatt signed up for baseball and subsequently getting 3 boxes of candy to sell, and meeting my soon to be sister-in-law and wedding planning with her. Today was open house day (27 people came through - yay!) and taking the dogs to play at Grammy & Papa's house in the rain. I'm finishing up now because we're off to the Chinese buffet for the first of a couple of Todd's birthday dinners. Even with all that, I'd still rather have the weekend over a Monday back at work!
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