So quick updates - new foot is still healing but I'm completely frustrated by the fact that I still can't wear a shoe. I know I was promised a long recovery, but I've been promised that with other things before and have managed to push my way through to make it 1/2 of truly allotted time. Not so this time. It's been 5 1/2 weeks and while my incisions look great and are healing nicely, don't let the looks deceive you - it's definitely not up to par internally! It swells dramatically into a sausage foot a couple hours after I get up and moving - it's not pretty! The area under the incisions gets hot from the inside out. There's still pretty consistent pain and I've pretty much lost all range of motion in my big toe. I can flex the 3 toes in the middle while the biggest and smallest just sit there, stiff, mocking me.
The new house is great! We've been there 2 weeks now and I've actually gotten some new furniture and things hung on the walls, so it is starting to look lived in. All boxes are unpacked but there are still some bare spots due to just the increase in size and lack of stuff to fill it up. I'm really okay with that for a while. My only internal dilemma now is that I'd like to get some cool, updated, more modern decorations, but then what do you do with the hodge podge, eclectic mix that you've already acquired? Some of it has sentimental value and has value in keeping, but I love the idea of making things new and fresh. What to do? Hmmm... Repainting the basement is on the to-do list for next month, but otherwise we are settling in nicely and we love our neighbors. We've spent a lot of time with them and it's been fun.
Today is day 5 of the new job. I think I like it, but it's all new and shiny and pretty right now, so it's got my attention. The environment is fun and creative but as with anything new, there is a lot to learn. I'm a bit of a take-charge kinda gal and I like to know the answers or at least where to find them, and so far, that's not happening! It will, I'm confident but I'm not patient with myself. Oh, by the way... I now work here.
The new routine has been the most difficult adjustment over the past 2 weeks. Our mornings are a crazy mad dash of who-are-you-child-and-where-do-you-have-to-be? See, we moved out of district for the kiddos but are letting them finish up the school year at their current locations. Good for them, bad for us! Moving out of district means loss of bus service and a 15 minute drive into town to take them to school. School starts for 2 of them at 8:10 and for the other at 8:40. I have to be at work at 8:00 and it takes 20 minutes to drive there. See my dilemma? Oh, but extracurricular activities make it even more complex! Here's my schedule:
Monday - Sis has band at 7:30, Wy gets dropped off & waits outside until school starts, Beebs goes to latchkey.
Tuesday - Wy has band at another school at 7:10, Sis has speech at 7:30, then Beebs goes to latchkey.
Wednesday - Repeat Monday schedule.
Thursday - Wy has band at yet another school at 7:00, Sis gets dropped off & waits outside until school starts, Beebs goes to latchkey.
Friday - Wy has band back at the school from Tuesdays at 7:10, Sis gets dropped off & waits outside until school starts, and Beebs goes to latchkey.
Everyone begrudgingly goes to afternoon latchkey until Dad or I can pick them up. Not only is this a crazy driving schedule, it's a crazy cost schedule! I think there should be some kind of multi-kid discount for latchkey, you know, like your insurance policies?! The light at the end of the tunnel is that it's only until the first week of June and then we're home free for the summer! So, I'm hanging on to that as firmly as I can!
Overheard at our house:
Our 6 year old has apparently decided to rename our dog Waffle and is consistently referring to her as such.
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