Todd's first suggestion was to hole up in the woods behind our house, because he doesn't think zombies can climb trees! Oh, ye of little understanding! Duh - they can't climb trees, but they can make their own zombie pyramid and climb each other!
The next suggestion was Walmart. Food, ammo, clothes - all the necessities for a decent amount of time in one place. However, realistically, even during a zombie apocalypse, I don't know if I can actually spend that much time inside of a Walmart store. I might just rather be undead.
Okay, how about Bass Pro?
Oh, I know, the middle of the lake!
Obviously Wy Guy and I are the most prepared, both being waist deep in reading World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War. We know that zombies freeze, so you can buy yourself some time by heading north. Hey! This could be the perfect excuse to go visit our missionary friends, the Emerys! We finally agreed say you keep moving somewhere mountainous and colder, stopping for supplies as often as you can. Well, 4 out of the 5 of us agreed that was a good plan.
So, if the zombies do attack, I guess I'll be checking up on my husband's survival at The People of Walmart!
I've seen the emails with pics of the people at walmart. Seems the zombies are already there. Just waiting for Todd's arrival..... Logic tells me that the cheap chinese goods attract zombies.