Sunday, January 15, 2012

Welcome 2012

Golly was 2011 a year! Ok, I realize they are all technically years, however, 2011 was another one of those years that ran in full on Simpson-style. We had 3 surgeries, a house sold, another house purchased and 2 new jobs. I'm really shooting for 2012 to be a down year... yes, uneventful would be perfect! 

My personal goal for 2012 is better relationship maintenance. This is not a strength of mine. I just cannot balance it appropriately. I'd often rather be alone, but then I struggle with being lonely. Usually I'm too tired or feel too guilty for leaving my family to make time for others, but just as often, I crave having someone to talk to, hang out with. I'm just not very good at making and keeping friends. I have had many close relationships that seem to fall apart faster than they came together. They never end badly, they just end. Then the next thing you know, I'm only keeping up with this person via Facebook. I'm making 2012 the year I figure out how to do this better. I have no clue where to start, but Imma gonna!

2012 is also destined to be the year of the chicken around here. The boys are currently building our coop and in March, we'll be incubating our first clutch of Rhode Island Reds. No plans to hang on to any roosters, so if you'd like one, we'll be happy to share those pesky boys. Mmmm... I can't wait for farm fresh eggs with my garden crops this summer! 

Besides the chicks that are coming, we've also added a couple new pets to the house for the coming year. Both Sis and Beebs saved up their money and purchased their own pet(s) and supplies. Now in addition to Wy's frogs, Beebs has Bruce and Tweety, the hermit crabs and Sis has Hazel, the hamster. Small and low maintenance - perfect for when I end up taking care of all of them as the novelty wears off, which we all know is just a matter of time.


Sis has her new cochlear implant and is doing very well. Her little brother did give her a good knock to the head yesterday and split her incision a bit. Yep, no coddling of kids around here - we just shove 'em right back into the mix! :) I'll keep you updated on activation and progress...

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