Friday, June 27, 2014

Family of 7

Do you know how hard it is to get seating anywhere when you have 7 people in your family? And how about babysitters - they're hard to find! We'd just gotten into the mode of "eh, you're old enough to stay home alone if we want a last minute date night." No more! 

We have our first placement - 2 little girls. They've been with us for just over a month now and we are really loving having them (well, most of the time!). I think the dogs and chickens are feeling neglected and I keep overhearing Mr. S saying in a soothing, high pitched, baby voice "Babies are so gross!" to a spitting up, crying Little!

I'm not a great sleeper, never have been. BUT, when your body wakes you up vs. a screaming newborn, it's a whole different ball game. I've been out of the colic-y, multiple feedings per night mode for about 9 years, and let's face it, I'm not as young as I used to be. My body sure does miss her sleep! 

We're learning to adjust our life. When the Bigs have activities, we now drive separate so that one of us can leave when the Littles have had enough. We are hauling carseats and a double stroller again. Our living room has been overtaken by baby swings and Dora the Explorer tents. I'm on constant high alert for the nearest pacifier and burp rag!

For the first time ever, I'm actually worried about the next business trip for Mr. S in a week. I don't know how I'll manage the Littles + the Bigs crazy summer schedule on my own!

But, we're getting baby smiles and snuggles in between screaming fits now. And, we're seeing a 2 year old learn nursery rhymes and colors, listening to her speak without swearing, and hearing her belly laugh when her "brothers" tickle her - it REALLY is all worth it, knowing that we're making a difference in their lives!