Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bunion Blog 3

I apologize for not posting. You would think that being home and confined would give me tons of time to blog. And, it did, I had plenty of time, and plenty of boredom! Nothing was happening and blogging in a bored, drug induced haze didn't really appeal to me. I know, hold your shorts... I didn't have anything to talk about. I think in the past 2 weeks I have seen every episode of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant, Holmes Inspection and House Hunters! I've watched 4 movies, read 3 books, FB stalked, played Words With Friends, negotiated medical bills down, made all necessary phone calls/changes for the move and shopped the internet. So there you have it - the content of my last 2 weeks. That didn't make for a very interesting blog post, did it?

As of today, however, I have been released to bathe, and not in the sink!! I can even shower, if I do it seated. After 13 days, it's not over indulgence to take a 45-minute shower, is it? I can also begin weight bearing for 1/2 hour increments a couple of times a day in my lovely walking shoe that has been beautifully decorated by my children. Bandages are off and my new splint is to be worn 24/7.

I'm hoping to go back to work on Monday, for a couple of weeks. So that's the other big news. You know there's a certain style of doing things around here. Simpson-style means you don't go 1/2 way into anything, nor do you let life slow down -- ever. So over the course of a month, we'll have a new foot, a new house and a new job. All exciting new things, but also things that require a lot of adjustments and add stress. I pray these are all the right choices for the plan that God has for our family! The biggest bonus to the Simpson-style of life is that it should make for plenty of blogging material!


  1. In the past months since you posted this, I would like to know how your recovery went? My girlfriend is avoiding bunion surgery as her bunion is minor. She wears a bunion splint and a gel pad in her shoes. I also massage her feet every once in a while. I'd like to know how your recovery went. Take care!

  2. Hi bd!
    My recommendation is that if it's minor, hold off on surgery. I'm 6 months post-op now and still battling swelling. I dont' wear anything but tennis shoes and dress flats and I have a desk job, but by day end, I'm pretty swollen. I have an achy foot if I walk a lot or try to push off on that foot, so I'm still not completely healed. I also lost almost all of my range of motion in my big toe - it barely bends/flexes at all. The daily pain from my bunion is gone, but it's been replaced with the surgical recovery pain. I'm hoping by my one year anniversary, I'll say with full confidence that I'm glad I did it!

    Keep up the good work with the foot massages! :)

  3. When can you go back to school or college? I'm having my op in 6 days time. I have already had my left foot done. But it was during the summer holidays. Thanks I hope you have recovered
