Friday, June 27, 2014

Family of 7

Do you know how hard it is to get seating anywhere when you have 7 people in your family? And how about babysitters - they're hard to find! We'd just gotten into the mode of "eh, you're old enough to stay home alone if we want a last minute date night." No more! 

We have our first placement - 2 little girls. They've been with us for just over a month now and we are really loving having them (well, most of the time!). I think the dogs and chickens are feeling neglected and I keep overhearing Mr. S saying in a soothing, high pitched, baby voice "Babies are so gross!" to a spitting up, crying Little!

I'm not a great sleeper, never have been. BUT, when your body wakes you up vs. a screaming newborn, it's a whole different ball game. I've been out of the colic-y, multiple feedings per night mode for about 9 years, and let's face it, I'm not as young as I used to be. My body sure does miss her sleep! 

We're learning to adjust our life. When the Bigs have activities, we now drive separate so that one of us can leave when the Littles have had enough. We are hauling carseats and a double stroller again. Our living room has been overtaken by baby swings and Dora the Explorer tents. I'm on constant high alert for the nearest pacifier and burp rag!

For the first time ever, I'm actually worried about the next business trip for Mr. S in a week. I don't know how I'll manage the Littles + the Bigs crazy summer schedule on my own!

But, we're getting baby smiles and snuggles in between screaming fits now. And, we're seeing a 2 year old learn nursery rhymes and colors, listening to her speak without swearing, and hearing her belly laugh when her "brothers" tickle her - it REALLY is all worth it, knowing that we're making a difference in their lives!

Friday, April 4, 2014


Progress: 5 days in with T25 and 3.5 lbs down. Woo hoo! I am really surprised, since the last time I did this, it took me about 3 months to lose 8 lbs. My body must have been craving some activity! I have a goal weight, but if I don't get there, that's ok. I'd rather just feel good and have my clothes fit well. 

Oh, and on other progress fronts:

I registered my teen for Driver's Education. (sigh.)

I chaperoned my other teen's first real date. (bigger sigh.)

Monday, March 31, 2014

starting again

I was working out very regularly to lose 10 pounds 2 years ago. I've been successful in keeping it off, but now 6 pounds crept on since Christmas and clothes aren't quite fitting. Just eating smartly doesn't seem to be cutting it for me to maintain anymore. 

So, since I was up at 3:35am again (and, yes, I realize that gives me enough time to do 60-90 minutes of working out, but I don't really have the desire to do that!) and falling back to sleep wasn't happening, I decided today was the day to start. T25, Shaun T, and I met this morning. We got along for the first 15 minutes, but then I had to hang out solely with Tania for the last 10 minutes because I was sucking wind. 

Motivated though, so I'll pick it up again tomorrow. Hopefully a little closer to 5am, though.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Courageous Child

My child has courage. She has told me about some of her experiences at school - no small feat, considering how humiliating it can be for kids to tell their parents about the goings on among their peers, but I'm sure I only know of the tip of the iceberg. Together, we have tried everything I can think of to manage the problem on our own. We've prayed. We've ignored. We've avoided. We've tried to use humor to deflect. We've encouraged journaling. We've talked. We've seen counselors. What else to do? 

We've now passed the point of "Is my child being overly sensitive?", "I am only getting one side of the story.", and "Jr. High is a tough age." I've seen it with my own eyes. Other parents have witnessed it. My child continues to report it happening. I'm officially stepping across the line and saying my child is being bullied. I've had enough. I will NOT be that parent, crying and saying "I didn't realize it was that bad."

What does bullying look like? For our family, it looks like this: purposeful exclusion, name calling, cruel texts, "accidental" bumping and snickering in the halls, and now, threats of physical harm (yesterday's text: "STFU. Someone's getting hurt - you.")

Straight up threatening has taken this to a whole new height for me and, while my child has made known to her teachers some of the incidents, to my knowledge, the school has yet to formally step in and address it. Is it a lack of awareness? Is it a lack of concern? Is it a lack of knowledge on how to handle the situation? This cannot be handled as a "kids will be kids" mentality. It is not a tolerable, childhood rite of passage. When that happens, adults violate a child's trust and renounce their role as a responsible adult.

Gone are the days of Scut Farkus jumping out from behind a fence and demanding you "Say Uncle!" Now bullies are often the average, solid students that rule the school below the radar of the teachers and administration. They use relational aggression to hurt and humiliate, and seemingly, are just as skilled at manipulating the adults around them.

It's time for me to be my child's champion. I'm taking solid, purposeful, documented steps. I'm going to administration, and if need be, to the school board and to the authorities. I'm going to show her that she deserves better; she deserves to be heard; her self-worth is not dependent on what these other children think. I will not do nothing. I love her too much.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Welcome 2014

Here we are at the beginning of a new year. Every year marks change and every year I grow - for this I am grateful. If I spend some time in retrospect of 2013, I am awed at the path my life continues to take and the blessings I've been given. In some ways, I am no where close to where I thought I'd be in life, yet in other ways, this is exactly where I'd always dreamed I'd be.

I am now the parent to 2, count 'em, 2 teenagers!

Wy Guy is 15 and starting to drive. He still loves football and is working hard on living up to his coaches request to gain weight. (My grocery bill's the proof!) He continues to mature and be a witty, charismatic kid who is fun to be around... for the most part!

Sis is 13 and trying to find her own path, out from under her big brother's shadow. It can be a struggle, but she continues to shine with her determination and her LOVE for being DIFFERENT. Wear thigh-high socks for basketball, yes please. Geek out on classic Shakespeare and not One Direction, she's all that. Gotta love that girl's ability to blaze her own path.

Beebo lights up my life. That kid can make you laugh without even trying! He's smart and crazy imaginative. He's 9, but just an 1.5 inches shy of 5 feet and grows faster than any kid I've seen. He has found a love for basketball. Ever a momma's boy and I'm going to eat that up for as long as he lets me.

Mr. S & I hit the big 16 years in 2013. Hard to believe I met this man more than 22 years ago! To celebrate, we completed our foster parenting licensure. We've been prayerfully considering this for a year, done the classes, completed the paperwork, did our home study, and finally pulled the trigger. Our hearts just told us we've been given this big home and even bigger love and so we need to share it some more. The kids are totally on board. We re-arranged some bedrooms and now officially have an empty bedroom, decorated and just waiting. It's like being pregnant, only you have no idea of your due date or what you are expecting! A phone call could come at any minute... literally, any minute.

So, welcome 2014... let's see what you've got. You don't scare me... much. :-)