So last night, well, technically this morning at 12:43 a.m., I was awakened by a nauseous child. Over the next 2 hours, we battled vomiting and stomach cramps. At 3:04 a.m., I lay in bed next to him, heating pad on his stomach, thinking a slightly proud, albeit crazy, sleep deprived thought - "I've really got a handle on this puke clean up thing!"
You see, the week of Thanksgiving, as Todd golfed and walked the beach in Florida, the stomach flu ran through out house. Now this was not in any way my first bout with vomit, but it was a doozy - taking the kids out like dominoes, every other day. Between my 10 years as a preschool teacher and 11 years as a mom (many of those early ones tending to a reflux baby who could clear a highchair tray with his spray of vomit), I've seen and cleaned my share of bodily fluids. But that week in November of 2009 was a turning point for me.
All 3 of the kids have now realized the importance of trying to get to a proper place to puke. This means, do everything in your power to hit a garbage can, sink or toilet - and this is a great achievement for any mom! But during this 6 day battle of the bile, I discovered what might have been the best puke disposal tool ever and it's right in your own home!!!
1. Grab a small plastic garbage can and line with plastic shopping bag (i.e. Walmart, Kroger, etc.). It is imperative you check the bag for holes!
2. Encourage child to puke into the lined can - it's even lightweight & portable.
3. When said child has hurled, pull out the bag, tie it off and dispose of it! If you're really lucky, it will be cold outside & the vomit will freeze, making it a snap to take to the outside trash the next morning.
4. Rinse mouth and repeat.
I know, I know - ingenious right?!? Now if I can just come up with a great name for my invention. How about hurl helper, vomit vacator, puke police....
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