Friday, February 4, 2011


So apparently you don't like anagrams, eh? I must admit, I was looking forward to seeing people's names rearranged into fun new words, but it was not to be. AND (insert stern mom voice here) don't you go doing it now just because I brought it up!

And reflecting on last week's post even more, can I again reiterate how annoyed I am by this whole "I hate winter. I hate snow." stuff?!? It's Illinois. It snows in the winter. It's what makes winter winter around here. It happens every year, but people always act surprised and disgusted and whiny about it! I personally love winter - not because I'm some sadistic person who loves being so cold her body shakes uncontrollably and her fingers hurt, but because I love the change of seasons. I love living somewhere where I can experience snow, rain, sunshine and changing leaves, and none of them stick around forever. To me, it marks the progression of the year and our lives.

Yes, I know this storm was brutal. I know that the winds were dangerous and the snow was deep, but it was also beautiful. It was white and thunderous. Do you think that maybe it's God's reminder that there is an awesomeness that surrounds us that we sometimes become oblivious to?!? We like to think we're the ones in control. Then a storm like we had this week comes along and BAM! - back to reality! There are bigger things than us and our earthly priorities and possessions!

Overheard at our house this week:
Dad - "Can you go upstairs and grab my red multimeter?"
Beebo (after a quick return) - "I can't find your freakin' multimeter, ok?"
Me - "Ummmm... oops!"

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more - the seasons deepen our appreciation!

    Also, I thought I left my anagram in a comment but it didn't show up apparently? It was "Thawed in ear" ...not sure what to do with that.

    And I also mentioned my favorite anagram: Hoffs Drawlar :)
