Saturday, August 4, 2012

Better living!

I'm really trying these past few years to be a better steward of what I've been given in life. Some of this stems from being frugal with finances, some from living cleaner, healthier, and simpler. I'm not doing everything right, but for several years, I've been making our own laundry soap - it's both much cheaper and chemical free - growing a garden, and drying laundry outside when I can. Now, I'm making our own household cleaners (not all, mind you, I can't live without my Magic Erasers... those little buggers really are magical!) and fabric softener. We're growing our own eggs and we've eaten some of our own free-range chickens (we'll be growing a flock of chickens just for this purpose next year, but that's another post to come!) I changed our diet in February - eating minimal processed foods, less red meat - mostly lean proteins and veggies, minimal dairy. Combining this with exercise has helped me to lose 10 pounds and feel more energized. Moreover, I love seeing the kids enjoying foods they never knew they loved - like kale, tofu, and brussel sprouts!!

I'm always looking for more ways I can work more toward this. So, to that end, I HAVE to share my latest find with you! It's an all natural face mask that I love! I've only been using it for 2 weeks, but I notice a difference in my skin already. There's nothing like having to battle wrinkles with zits right in the middle of them! Since using this, my skin is clearer and more even. I can't wait to see if it gets even better.

Now, I don't know what it's really called, but I call it The Mask of Fire, because trust me, it burns. The heat dissipates after the first few minutes, but it will be hot at first. It's SO easy to make and you probably already have the ingredients right in your kitchen! You probably only want to use it 3 times a week or so.

Refining Mask of Fire 

1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. lemon juice

Mix all of the ingredients into a thin paste

Apply to your face
*don't rub it in because the spices are like an exfoliant and the lemon juice will burn!

It will be hot - hang in there... it will get better, I promise.
Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse off with plain water. 
Voila! Smooth, soft, even skin!

Try it and let me know what you think...


  1. Cute pic... I tried this stuff. It burned my gotee off. Do you think adding tobasco was too much?

  2. Maybe cut down the lemon juice if you'd like to preserve your facial hair :)
