Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Welcome Spring

Spring is my least favorite time of year. I know that likely puts me in the minority, since most people are enjoying the warmer weather and things blooming. I think I used to like spring... but my grown-upness has stolen that springtime fondness from me.

My birthday is in the spring, which used to be a big deal BUT these are the types of deals I'd rather not think about any more.

It rains a lot in the spring and I love thunderstorms and the smell of rain BUT now rain means a muddy dog, muddy shoes/clothes and undone hair.

I love open windows BUT that means more dust in the house (and in step with the previous statement = more cleaning) and it means these stinking chirping birds that sit outside my window and start chirping at 4:45a.m. Seriously, 4:45a.m.? The sun isn't even up yet.

Flowers and trees and plants grow in the spring BUT that means a miserable child. Wy can't handle the blooming spring. He's miserable every year with allergies, sinus stuff and asthma attacks. In fact, he's currently on antibiotics for a sinus infection and ear infection, which is quickly draining into his chest and causing breathing difficulties.

So, welcome spring, but don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way toward my 2nd least favorite season - summer. ick.

Overheard this week at our house:
Ryder: Mom, I'd trust you to cut my hair, even if no one else likes you.

1 comment:

  1. "even if no one else likes you...??????? Does he understand who cooks his dinner? Ah, I see, he said this in the Spring. no wonder you don't like this season.
