Friday, March 5, 2010

Keeping Up

I don't know how in the world I ever thought I could keep up with blogging. I just looked and somehow, it's gone from Sunday to Friday in what feels like a day. How does that happen? Does anyone else feel like their life's DVR is stuck on forward x 2?

So, let's see, a recap of this week includes a 2nd showing on our house on Monday with the anticipation of an offer, only to have the parents show up for a walk through and blow the whole thing to smithereens! The couple saw it on Saturday, loved it, went to the bank, came back on Monday and seemed surprised to see the parents there. Keep in mind the parents showed up 30 minutes before the showing appointment and let themselves into our backyard and walked around. When I talked to them and mentioned the appointment was at 6:30, they simply stood in our driveway until time. That night we got feedback that the parents hated the house and refused to even go into the basement to see it and the deal was off. Try as I might to not be, I was offended that someone would actually hate my house! It's a nice house, cozy & charming - not perfect, but not loatheable. (and if that's not a word, I don't care - it fits.) Of course, it does have a weird smell. hah! As my wise uncle pointed out, those type of parents would likely have made the sale a nightmare. So moving forward, I really need someone to love my house to heal my bruised home ego. So I'll wait, patiently. Okay, so maybe not patiently, but I will wait.

Tuesday were Zambia check ups and now we wait on a start date for vaccinations. Wednesday was night 2 of MGT 350 class & two new students showed up. Cool, but it throws off my lecture and handouts when I don't know they're coming! Thursday night was a Zambia meeting and tonight should have been Godz Girlz with Piper, but she came home with a fever and headache. Maybe this is God's way of giving me a night off, but I don't like it at the expense of my kiddos comfort. I've given her some drugs, so we'll see what happens over the next couple of hours. It's been a rough fall/winter for her - she's already had tonsillitis, flu x 2, and pink eye. I'm normally a winter kind of gal, but I think I need warmth so I can detox the house for Piper's sake!

One more proud momma moment! Straight A's for both kids again this trimester! It's quite apparent that they take after their mom ;)

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