Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pajama Boy!

Ryder had his first floor hockey game on Saturday morning. His team lost but had fun and that's all that matters. Well, that and the fun times I can have people watching. Other than supporting my kids, honestly that's really the reason I love sporting events. Five to seven year olds playing floor hockey counts as a sporting event, right? Anyway, we affectionately named a boy on the other team Pajama Boy, because, that's right folks, he came to the 10:30 a.m. floor hockey game in his pajamas. Now let's be clear, there are times when, as a mom, I pick my battles and let my kids out of the house in some ridiculous clothing, so I can understand if that was the case. However, what made this situation all the better was the weekend edition of the Pekin Daily Times. Yep, crack open the Saturday paper to see a picture of none-other-than Pajama Boy, playing pool at the Boys & Girls Club on Friday afternoon in his pajamas! Yes, the exact same pajamas he was wearing Saturday morning - I guess he was just saving prep time for the Saturday morning floor hockey game by getting ready on Friday!

Piper's over the pink eye infection she had this week and Ryder's thumb is healing well. Maybe our house is actually infection free for a while? We can only hope - it's been a rough fall/winter for the Simpsons, but we successfully avoided pneumonia for a whole year with Wyatt - thank you Lord!

Tonight Ryder's in our bed since he can't sleep in his room because the bats are coming out of winter hibernation and the screeching and scratching on the walls creeps him out. You'd think he'd be used to it by now - bats just come with the territory in this house. Good thing we don't have to list that on the disclosure sheet!

Overheard this week at our house:
Ryder - "Mom, I'm growing up." as he raises his shirt to reveal hand drawn chest hairs in black ink.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no you didn't.... Pajama boy!! Be careful. He may become Mayor some day...
