Monday, February 8, 2010

Business Up Front

So a busy weekend, but not without it's usual fun antics at our house...
My retro 80's boy found a wig and decided he'd wear it while drawing on Saturday. Anytime is the right time for some business up front and a party in the back!!!

Then, of course, Piper had to get in on the action and I have to admit, she rocks it pretty well too. For all you Survivor fans, she said "I look just like Shambo!"

Unfortunately our fun wasn't long lasted as both of them are home sick from school today... I just hope it's not mulletitis.


  1. Thank goodness that Wyatt had the good sense to keep that raccoon off his head. Hey, it looks like Sarah Palin's doo, don't ya think? You betcha...............

  2. I don't see any notes written on their hands, so not a very good Palin impression! ;)
    Oh, neither Wyatt OR Todd had aforementioned "good sense" - they just didn't get caught on camera!
