Friday, February 12, 2010

It takes 2 to make it outta sight!

This morning I got a call from Piper at school that one of her batteries had died and she forgot to pack any spares, so she needed me to run her a new battery at school. I did, and on my way back to the office I was channel surfing the radio. I subconsciously (or maybe not so "sub") stopped on an old favorite It Takes Two. Now, I loved this song back in '88 and apparently I still love it because I very easily fell right into those old familiar Rob Base lyrics. I found myself not missing a word as I rapped along with Mr. Base. Yeah, I'm sorry you weren't in the car with me - you would've really enjoyed it.

That got me thinking... I literally haven't heard that song in years, and I mean years - probably 10 or so. Yet, I remembered the entire intro and almost 1/2 way in, word for word. How on earth does my brain function that way? I can't remember conversations, appointments, book content and such but I can remember every line of a song I learned 22 years ago?!? I thought surely at 33 I was still on the upward climb of my life, not sliding the hill. It hardly seems fair. I hate getting old. Maybe I just need DJ E-Z Rock to put a beat to everything in my life and I'd remember it all?

So enjoy yourself some Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock - I dare you not to remember it (and maybe even sing along)

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